Five Healthy Teas You Should Be
Sipping On This Monsoon

on August 06, 2024

The pitter-patter of raindrops on window panes, the misty embrace of cool breezes, and the earthy scent of petrichor wafting through the air – monsoon in India is a sensory symphony that captivates the soul.

Whilst the monsoon brings a refreshing respite from the summer heat, it also ushers in its own set of challenges – from the common cold to seasonal flu. With that in mind, we have curated a list of our four healthy teas and beverages, packed with immune-boosting antioxidants and nutrients, that can keep you warm, cosy, and in the pink of health throughout this rainy season.

Egyptian Peppermint

A cool breeze in a cup

Picture yourself curled up by the window, watching the rain create intricate patterns on the glass, with a steaming cup of our Egyptian Peppermint tea in hand. The cool, refreshing aroma wafts up, instantly uplifting your senses.

This delightful brew is more than just a refreshing beverage. The star ingredient, peppermint, has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various ailments and boasts a long list of health benefits that are especially welcome during the rainy months.

Peppermint leaves contain menthol, a compound that works wonders for your respiratory system. It can help to clear blocked nasal passages, soothe a sore or irritated throat, and relax your muscles. Peppermint is also rich in antioxidants and contains Vitamin C, which can help support your immune system during the challenging monsoon months.

Kashmiri Noon Chai

The pink wonder

Paint your tea time pink with our exotic Kashmiri Noon Chai. Traditionally enjoyed in the Kashmir Valley, this tea is characterised by its beautiful pink colour and rich, creamy texture.

Whilst the aesthetic appeal of Kashmiri Noon Chai is undeniable, its health benefits make it a true monsoon marvel. The green tea base of Noon Chai is packed with catechins, powerful antioxidants that help boost your immune system. The combination of spices in Noon Chai, including cardamom and cinnamon, can help soothe digestive discomfort and improve gut health. Moreover, some studies suggest that the combination of green tea and spices in Noon Chai may have positive effects on heart health, helping to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

This visually stunning and deeply flavourful tea is perfect for adding a touch of warmth and luxury to grey monsoon days. A unique beverage that we are proud to serve exclusively in our tearoom.

Basil Tea

The queen of herbs

Basil tea is a monsoon essential for its powerful health benefits. This herbal brew is highly effective in alleviating coughs and colds, offering a comforting remedy when you need it most. Rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, basil tea helps combat free radicals, detoxify your body, and enhance your immune response.

If you're feeling under the weather or just need a calming moment, a hot cup of basil tea can provide relief and rejuvenation. Its soothing properties and invigorating flavour make it a perfect companion for the rainy season.

Kesar Kullad Chai

A golden elixir for rainy days

Our Kesar Kullad Chai is an ode to the classic Indian chai elevated with the luxurious touch of saffron (kesar). Served in a traditional earthen cup (kullad), which lends its own earthy notes to the brew, this chai is a harmonious blend of premium black tea, milk, aromatic spices, and the star ingredient – saffron. The result is a rich, creamy, and deeply satisfying cup that offers an authentic and indulgent experience.

Whilst the taste alone is enough to make you fall in love with our Kesar Kullad Chai, its health benefits make it a monsoon must-have. Both black tea and saffron are loaded with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals in the body and strengthen your immune system, providing an extra layer of defence against seasonal ailments. The spices in our Kesar Kullad Chai, including cardamom and ginger, promote healthy digestion.

This salubrious beverage is available to delight your palate in our tearoom, and we assure you that the experience is worth stepping out into the rain for.

Masala Chai

The classic monsoon companion

The scent of steeping spices in tea often conjures a cosy memory for many - our mothers gently rousing us on a drizzly morning. This spice-laden brew is the quintessential rainy day companion, a veritable spice festival in a cup. The blend of cardamom, ginger, and cloves not only delights the palate but also serves as a natural remedy for cold and flu symptoms. These potent spices boast antifungal, antibacterial, and antiparasitic qualities, effectively combating invasive pathogens.

Whether you choose to enjoy it in our cosy tearoom or brew it at home, our Masala Chai is more than just a beverage – it's a warm, spicy hug in a cup, making it the ideal companion for those chilly monsoon days.

So there you have it, our carefully curated selection of restorative teas to transform your monsoon experience from within. From the soothing Egyptian Peppermint to the exotic Kashmiri Noon Chai, the luxurious Kesar Kullad Chai to the classic Masala Chai – each cup is a promise of wellness, comfort, and a moment of tranquillity amidst the symphony of the rains.

Have you experienced the magic of our teas during the monsoons?
Share your stories with us at We'd love to hear from you!