One Sunny Afternoon, Things Got Mystearious at Infinitea

on March 03, 2023

On the afternoon of 25th February, a group of tea enthusiasts gathered in the cosy confines of the Infinitea Cunningham Road Tearoom, eager to discover India’s finest teas. It was an exclusive tea-tasting event, one of a kind, conducted by none other than the Chairman of the Darjeeling Tea Association, Mr. BK Saria, and Gaurav Saria, Founder and TeaMaster at Infinitea.

The air was thick with anticipation as all present settled into their seats, eager to begin a journey of sensory exploration and appreciation. Standing tall, in front of the tea wall, was the Chairman, ready to address the gathering in a voice that was steeped in culture and gravitas. One that commanded attention and evoked curiosity.

The air was thick with anticipation as all present settled into their seats, eager to begin a journey of sensory exploration and appreciation. Standing tall, in front of the tea wall, was the Chairman, ready to address the gathering in a voice that was steeped in culture and gravitas. One that commanded attention and evoked curiosity.

The afternoon wasn't just about understanding teas, the countless varieties, distinct notes, flavours, mouthfeels, and personalities. The event included a special segment titled The Perfect Pairs where the five special teas were accompanied by their delectable dessert companions:

  • Darjeeling Silver Needles Tea with Almond Biscotti
  • Darjeeling Emerald Green Tea with Lemon Bars
  • Green Gold Tea with Baked New York Cheesecake and Berry Compote
  • Darjeeling Muscatel Tea with English Scones, Fig Preserve, and Clotted Cream
  • Assam Gold Tea with Chai Chocolate Pots De Creme

In the end, it was an enjoyable and rewarding tea-tasting experience for all who were present. The event deepened everyone's understanding and appreciation for the complexity and nuance of different teas and their dessert pairings. It was truly a once-in-a-lifetime event, rare and unforgettable, with the Chairman of the Darjeeling Tea Association, a distinguished and notably busy individual, conducting this exclusive tea-tasting session at the Infinitea Tearoom in Bangalore.

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